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What is Transformation? 

New Training of Trainers (ToT) courses

Starting in February 2016 in Alexandria

To grow your training and facilitation skills.

Enhance your training knowledge and theory. 

Refresh the passion in your work.

Give yourself two months of an educational weekend.

Leadership courses for social innovators: Apply now!

30 November – 5 December in Cairo

This programme is for you if you are a cultural manager, leader, initiator or co-initiator in a project, organisation or initiative. It is for you if you would like to activate, grow or refresh your leadership skills and enhance your network. This training is to offer space for learning and regeneration to people that are contributing with their work to a more creative, sustainable and cooperative society. 

(application closes the 25th of November)

ISSOS Summerschool 2015

July & August 2015

Leadership courses at the International summer school of Scotland. See:

Article about leadership workshops in Egypt

December 2014

Article in See Thru magazine about our work in Egypt.

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©Photography by Yasmine Huissein or Omar Adel. If you are curious about their work, let us know. 

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