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Leadership for Social Innovators II


Intensive 6-day training: 30 November - 5 December 2015 in Cairo

For You? 

This programme is exactly for you if you are a cultural manager, leader, initiator or co-initiator in a project, organisation or initiative with a proven track record of at least one year active involvement in civil society. It is for you if you would like to activate, grow or refresh your leadership skills and enhance your network. This training is to offer space for learning and regeneration to people that are contributing with their work to a more creative, sustainable and cooperative world. 


What the Course Covers? 

Our definition of leadership is: ‘Having the awareness and skills - to do what is needed - for the good of all – in whatever way fits with you’. We help individuals to become more aware of their intent, visions as drivers for action, and work on growing the skills and abilities required to bring about change in practice. These are the abilities to manage people, set up projects, ensure delivery, and to develop and grow the people who work with and around them. We also know that people who truly believe in themselves and their work, and who believe that they can live meaningful lives, in which they make a difference - are the ones who do.


The programme is designed based on an inside-out model of self, other and context: building awareness and skills of self (alignment of internal motivation, vision and actions), others (group dynamics, multi-stakeholder communication, management/leadership skills) and context (how to position yourself in the field of work, evaluate context, brand your work etc.).


Topics to be covered are:

  • Communication: skills in listening, dialogue and getting your message across;

  • Inspiring positive change: by connecting with your own purpose and values;

  • Influence & effectiveness: changing and attitude of a team;

  • Leadership & managerial styles: choosing the right style for the right situation;

  • The power of networking: finding partners, making smart alliances;

  • What is needed for sustainability: increasing impact & making a sustainability plan.


It is a hands-on 6-day intensive programme that uses an experiential learning methodology. The programme is delivered through a mixture of facilitated sessions, practical team tasks, exercises, small group reviews and time for reflection and exchange. 


There will be a follow-up training in January 2016 with participants from both the October and December courses in Alexandria (the dates will be communicated in November). This course will be designed and co-created based on the input, wishes and needs of the participants. 


All courses will be conducted in English, therefore basic English proficiency is required.


How to Apply 

If you are interested you can mail to Or you can fill in the application form below. 


The deadline for applying is the 25th of November

Dates: 30 November - 5 December 2015


Programme duration: 6 days


Time: 12.00 - 19.00 


Location: to be confirmed


For more information:


This programme is free of charge, thanks to The British Embassy in Cairo



We expect real commitment and attendance of the participants during the course and there is a

limited amount of spaces, so please take this into consideration when applying. 


The Training Team

The main facilitator and course director is Daria Ofman. She is a trainer and facilitator originally working as a political scientist and creative consultant in the public sector in the Netherlands, she now works as a facilitator in various countries on issues regarding leadership development and capacity building. In 2011 she co-founded Sunryse, a leadership foundation that develops content, organises trainings and lectures on leadership development. In the past years she has facilitated workshops in Greece, England, Scotland, Egypt and the Netherlands. She is also the initiator of ShiftWorks. She is supported by a diverse team of international and local trainers that Shift Works partners with. Soon there will be a profile of them online. 


Apply here! 
By answering the following questions. Please do so in detail so we can make a propper evaluation!

Thanks! We received your application. We will get back to you soon!

©Photography by Yasmine Huissein or Omar Adel. If you are curious about their work, let us know. 

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